I've noticed that there has been a surprising lack of Guinea pigs even though it is included in the meta tags of my blog. So here is a pic of my former Guinea pig, 'Vargoth the Destroyer' yes I know that seems a weird name for pet... you haven't seen him in an angry drunken rage. To be honest Guinea pigs make interesting pets, though to give them a good quality of life takes a bit of effort especially if space is limited. Though they mainly eat, poop, and occasionally 'popcorn' (a kind of twitchy jump followed by oinking), guinea pigs do have a bit of cute charm. They are extremely timid creatures but paradoxically surprisingly curious (or dim witted... though I like to think the former). Even though I like guinea pigs I don't think I'd want one for a pet anytime soon, it's something I've come to understand but one has to truly consider the welfare of any pet you decide to adopt. Too many people get animals for the novelty of it without thinking of the responsiblity that goes along with it. Of course the majority of people are probably responsible pet owners, getting back to specically Guinea pigs - for Star Trek fans (yes I'm a Trekkie) guinea pigs are Tribbles... can breed like crazy but fuzzy cute and make pleasing sounds. Well without going into the history of Guinea pigs, I think that's about it for this post (horribly useless, but fun... that's what I also think about guinea pigs at times).