Friday, July 30, 2004

Well, Finally a nice day off. Not much to do though, except again ponder the nature of humanity. Today thoughts centered around the nature of a utopian society - what exactly would that be? The central problem is that many people have entirely different ideas as to what makes a perfect world. That in itself would lead to conflict and obvious results... but I know most people want a better world for themselves, so again I have to ask "What is going on?"
.... After a bit of brain wracking I have a possible answer...
For the most part the average person is concerned only with existing in as stable an environment as possible, people don't like change that much.
Expanding experience beyond what we usually know is something few people every really do. hmm, I seem to be losing cohesion.. getting back to point.. it is a lot easier to look after "ones own" than be open to everyone, we always actively look for ways to seperate ourselves from other people, for example things as innocent as sports team are used to divide groups, while I admit its not really a divisive agent it can easily get out of hand - soccer riots.
But that's just a minor case really, the most common ways we divide ourselves is by race and nationality. It is healthy to have a certain pride in ones self and culture but there is a fine line between pride and zealousness.
Its fine to say that your group is great because ____________, but at the point you say your group is better that other because... then that crosses into the same ultra-nationalistic fevor that gripped Germany from 1938 - 1945.
What scares me is our neighboring country is also in a fevor reaching ultra-nationalistic levels (US). Though even that view might be a bit skewed of course, since nothing is more the rage than good ol' America bashing.. all things considered they could be a lot worse... which isn't to say they couldn't be a whole lot better.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Do you know the feeling when everything seems like a practical joke at your expense? That's kind of how I'm beginning to see the world now. Everything seem pretty unbelievable... really can people be that stupid? Though I have to admit for the most part the answer is YES their idoiticy beyond the scope of normal imagination.
Or maybe my expectations are too high.
In any event, the reason behind these thoughts are the fault of reading newspapers and working as a clerk at 7-11. I get to deal with a wide spectrum of people though mostly the nuts seem to stand out. There is a lot I can say about the customers I have to deal with but don't have enough energy to write the 122 pages it deserves, so until next time
Another mind numbing day at work... the night shift is the best way to lose the capacity for higher thought (besides narcotics and television of course).
Though being bored gave me time to ponder things that probably have no real answer... today it was the nature of humanity as a whole.
I often wonder what makes this world bad or why is there so much suffering, wars, politics, Teletubbies ect. I mean for the most part people just want to live their lives and exist peacefully, its just a few that decide they want power and don't care how they get it. Even if that is the case why does the majority of people give virtually no resistance to being dragged into conflicts they don't want. Perhaps its a kind of herd mentality? I'm sure sociologists have filled entire libraries trying to explain the ins and outs of human behaviour.
Eh, this line of thought is starting to hurt my head so I'm going to talk about something more frivolous...
Transformers LIVE action movie in 2006!
Recently heard on the radio that this 80's cartoon classic is going to be made into
a live action movie with direction from.... Stephen Spielburg! Actually I'm kind of leary of the idea since so many many things can go wrong if you're trying to take a sub par cartoon from the 80's (as a kid I loved it but watching it now is very painful) and turn it into a serious movie. But who knows it could be good, though probably not great.
Ahhhh my head doesn't hurt anymore... till next time.

Monday, July 26, 2004

This is getting frustrating.... just recieved word that I probably won't get into residence for the coming school session in Victoria. Even applying in advance is not good I guess, so now I get the fun pass time of looking for apartments (probably a room in a cellar) in a City over 500 km away. Life is grand, well actually this good be an interesting experience in itself but the lazy side of me still just wants to watch TV and play more computer games... uhm, I mean study and review my old courses.

In the big picture probably not too much to worry about, worst case scenario I can just live off campus as outline in one of my previous rants.
Boy, I haven't updated in a good long time... as if anyone reads this.... anyway letting the internet world know that planning to get this blog into gear and link with my other (sigh) geocities site, which has my more articulate rants about various topics... which also has to be updated. No wonder so many sites die all the time, updating is a full time job that you don't get paid for (though I suppose if your website is a business, arg) . Anyway, hopefully I can put some of my limited html knowledge to use and get moving on building web presence.