"Of Giving, dogs and acceptance"
Well, unfortunately missed the month of August to complete a post so kinda bummed out about that, ah well will try for a return to weekly blog entries this month.
It's been an interesting month for myself and everyone around me, not sure if it's a planetary alignment thing or it's just because it's the last month of summer... well more like something akin to summer but not quite if you live in Canada (except for Victoria).
Recent events have led me to question the concept of giving and selfishness, hmm, not exactly true... always considered those things just this past month kind forced me to form a hard opinion on the matter.
I've always been a giving kind of fellow, maybe not overly friendly but would try to do nice things for those around me. Over the years I've discovered a few things; people (especially in western culture) aren't used to giving very much of oneself - money and material goods yes... of themselves - not so much. Another is that I've steadily grown a deep and distinct hatred toward people, maybe hatred is too strong a word... distrust would be far more accurate. Giving of oneself with out expectation of return is one of the hardest things to do, because as soon as you being to expect things of others its amazing how fast one can get disappointed and end up feeling used and betrayed.
Of course I'm being extremely vague and generalizing quite a bit, but I'm sure everyone at some point or another has gone through similar experience to varying degrees. I think it comes down to having faith in other people... or trust, which is amazingly nearly synonymous with faith (at least for the purpose of this topic... err, what topic?).
Hmm, running short on time and I'd hate to relegate this post to the black hole that is the blogspot Drafts section (many a promising post be lost there). So this incomplete piece will be posted (obviously since it's being read it's been posted... or has it?) and hopefully will get around to updating it when the chance arises.
Err, though just for reference, the dog refers to the family mutt that I have to take care of for a while (serious inconvenience) and the acceptance refers to taking ownership of who one is and how you're treated by others - ie accepting that people are by far and large selfish, but that shouldn't make one change who they are to stop feeling hurt, be aware of who others are and accept them for it, while learning to .... I have no idea where this is going now, meh, it'll all make sense in the edited version... it will... really.