So the New Year is almost upon us and it is a good enough time as any to reflect on the changes 2008 has wrought and what the future could hold for the coming year. I’m not sure why but I’m noticed for that the people around me and even myself 2008 was a year of adjustment and some oddly trying times, and I get the feeling that for better or worse the New Year will give a few answers but ultimately throw some more ‘interesting’ challenges in our path.
I could write about my thoughts on the current economic crisis, Religion, US elections, war, peace, celebrities or the hundreds of other events that punctuated the previous 365 days throughout the stretches of routine that we call our daily lives… but I won’t. In part because I’m lazy though as well because it doesn’t really matter (or fit the purpose of this post), taking a look and seeing how much has changed for better or worse depends on each individual and their own opinions, some people were probably horrified that Obama was elected President, others ecstatic… a judgment of the year that was is in the eye of the beholder.
So if you do get the chance to ponder the year to be and reflect on the one that was, see how far we have come, how much farther we have to go, and the many mistakes made on the way. Then grab a stiff drink and toast the health of all humanity and beings great and small.
If one were to ask of me the thoughts I harbor about the year past, I think I would just ignore them because I really don’t like explaining my brain to other people and in all honesty I doubt it would be easy to put my feelings into words… though perhaps five would do: “It was an interesting year”
Uhm, yeah and in case you were wondering, yes that is a Guinea Pirate - the most feared of all creatures.