Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's been a while, unfortunately my new years resolution to actually put some effort into the blog site hasn't succeded. Oh well, those things aren't that serious anyway (resolutions I mean). Not much happened in the news... well unless you consider Canada getting a new Conservative minority government, the TV show Arrested Development being cancelled and Dick Cheney shooting someone in the face, not really news worthy. Though for some reason I think the last two news items will be more well known than anything that has to do with the Canadian government... well,unless the Prime ministers wife hits somebody with a soapstone carving. *sigh* I miss Chretien (former PM... do a google search).

I'm sure there is actually a lot more interesting stories but seriously who has the time to read all of them when there are video games to play and movies to watch... there aren't enough hours in the day to keep up with the massive amounts of entertainment media that surround a 'wired' person. It reminds me of a quote I read somewhere, something about how 'the corruption of a society can be determined by the amount of money spent on entertainment'. Honestly it does seem to be a bit obscene, with all do respect to actors - do they really need 20 million dollars for one movie? Actually the problem is that these industries make so much money that they can afford to pay people 20 million dollars. (I have a similar opinion about sports but I'll save that for a different rant) Entertainment is so addictive to, and with the internet it's getting worse. Illegal downloading aside, one can find almost any media online a near endless supply of time wasters... at this point I'm tempted to start getting into some of my deeper musings about existance and purpose but I think it's best I call it a night. Anyway here's hoping some of those new years resolutions can be salvaged in some way.

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