*sigh* I've been trying to keep to a weekly blog schedule but unfortunately work and tv watching have been taking a priority... well that and the fact my computer is still out of comission - actually interesting story...(cue wavy flashback sequence)
It all started a few months ago when I moved from Victoria BC, to Calgary... I decided to ship most of my stuff including my computer via UPS as they had pick up service (actually that involves another story, but another time). So first few packages arrive in Calgary no problem. Then I had to leave town for a while and since UPS doesn't deliver outside buisness hours no one was at home to accept deliveries, thus it happened that UPS decided to ship my computer, monitor, and box filled with financial and personal papers back to Victoria.
So when I got back, had to call the UPS customer service and get the packages returned, also instructed them to HOLD the packages at the shipping centre so I could pick them up instead of always missing the delivery guy (the temptation to use dude was high - MadTV reference). Well guess what UPS did? The packages were held for one day and then shipped back to Victoria again! So called them and asked them to return it... again, and instructed them to hold it and contact me once my boxes arrive... again.
A few days pass and I manage to get my computer, but somehow the monitor and other box got seperated and for some reason being shipped to 'overgoods' which is the UPS lost and found of sorts. Now at this point I think most people would be screaming bloody murder at any UPS employee, but unfortunately for me it isn't very easy to get me angry... so I just thought 'okay, they know where the boxes are, I'll get it in a few days... no worries'. Boy was I wrong... my packages get back to Calgary and then the same $%^ing day UPS sends the packages back to Victoria!!!! After that they tell me the packages are lost... and UPS has a policy against compensation for personal goods shipped... I actually feel sorry for the lady who answered my call to UPS that day, because the damn burst and any and all rage was probably transmitted pretty clearly over the phone line. I think my whole ranting rage went on for a good 45 minutes covering her and then her manager, who didn't do a damn thing either except repeat the UPS policy. She also had the nerve to suggest buying a new monitor when I complained that I couldn't use my computer without the one UPS lost... that probably lengthened my tirade by a good 15 minutes.
Anywhoo, UPS actually found my box containing my financial info... but my moniter is still gone - and that is why it has been hard to update my blog on a weekly basis, thank you and good night. Also boycott UPS as they are an incompetant organization (well at least the Calgary shipping centre is).
Monday, July 24, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Oops, took a bit longer than I tought to blog again, oh well.
Recently during the Canada day celebrations in Ottawa, some youths (or yoo'ts) were photographed urinating on a war memorial, one of the pictures made the front page of the Ottawa Citizen. Needless to say veteran groups were outraged by this, and rightly so - then began the complaints about the 'disrepectful youths', 'decaying values' ect. ect. Thus the only apparent solution was to for veteran groups to demand a full time police presance at the memorial... sigh. I wasn't sure whether to be amused or saddened by that, it's funny since law enforcment is highly unlikly to have the budget and manpower to act as full time security guards, and it's sad because a more reasonable and mutually benifical solution would be to simply educate the newer generation about the significance of WWII and the surviving veterans. Why hasn't it occured to anyone that perhaps having more veterans visit schools to tell their stories would be far more effective than posting guards?
Unfortunately it seems that education is often overlooked in favour of more short term and in the end detrimental solutions. Meh, what do I care, it's not like I fought in WWII...
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