Oops, took a bit longer than I tought to blog again, oh well.
Recently during the Canada day celebrations in Ottawa, some youths (or yoo'ts) were photographed urinating on a war memorial, one of the pictures made the front page of the Ottawa Citizen. Needless to say veteran groups were outraged by this, and rightly so - then began the complaints about the 'disrepectful youths', 'decaying values' ect. ect. Thus the only apparent solution was to for veteran groups to demand a full time police presance at the memorial... sigh. I wasn't sure whether to be amused or saddened by that, it's funny since law enforcment is highly unlikly to have the budget and manpower to act as full time security guards, and it's sad because a more reasonable and mutually benifical solution would be to simply educate the newer generation about the significance of WWII and the surviving veterans. Why hasn't it occured to anyone that perhaps having more veterans visit schools to tell their stories would be far more effective than posting guards?
Unfortunately it seems that education is often overlooked in favour of more short term and in the end detrimental solutions. Meh, what do I care, it's not like I fought in WWII...
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