Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tis been a stressful day to say the least, but it's almost over, actually what truly amazes me is that I've probably finished more posts in the past few days than in the previous months! Well it is a new year and things are finally getting interesting-er (I am aware of the abhorrent grammar).
Taking well deserved... err actually just taking a break from the current scenario to visit some relatives and have some fun. Though it does involve crossing the border and as a darker skinned individual, one can't be too careful. Especially as my passport was a tad late in arriving so have to travel just before the restriction with and return somehow... worst case scenario will be exiled from Canada and will have to work as an illegal in the states. Meh, I guess there are worse fates, as an illegal I wouldn't have to pay taxes and there is apparently a huge community of illegal workers that I can just join... I wonder if they're union? Anyway whatever happens one way or the other will make for an interesting tale... just hope they have internet access in Guantanamo (very bad joke... sigh, very bad).

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