It's been a bit of a dark few weeks but as promised a post filled with a bit more levity continues below.
Back from a trip to the United States, it was fun and honestly a good way to get perspective. I've mentioned it before but it is oddly surreal to visit a place one practically knows through media, anyway besides the spending of savings it wasn't too bad - plus finally got a great digital camera (see above picture). The Canon SD600 a darn nifty little thing, as a result actually went a bit nuts snapping pictures of anything I thought was odd... and that includes almost everything.
Speaking of odd, I must relate an interesting incident from the past couple of days; As I happened to be waiting at the bus stop (public transportation... err, rocks?) a group of 4 Native American youths (I'm so pc) came running from a nearby condo complex, rested at the bus stop for a minute then split up and walked in opposite directions down the street. To be honest my first gut, initial reaction was "what were these hooligans up to?"... yet my sense of fairness forced me to reconsider and only observe while not drawing any conclusions. I mean they could have been having a race... or playing tag, or something equally harmless or perhaps even a noble effort - one must not jump to conclusions about a person from a single meeting. And so feeling a bit better about my politically correctness, I became lost in thought again while waiting for the bus to show up (did I mention public transportation rocks?).
A few minutes later a rather haggard and confused looking white guy shows up, and proceeds to ask if I've seen 4 youths (or yuut's if you prefer) run by and which direction they went. After I relay the relevant information he takes off after them while turning to say:
"They tried to steal my car"
Well there goes any illusion I had of being nonjudgmental, so long story short... you can't judge a book by it's cover - unless it is a magazine... though magazines aren't really books anyway... Meh, I guess there really is no true rhyme or reason to the world, it doesn't make sense so have a sense of humor about and live on, or it will probably drive you mad.
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