Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A bit confused?

Hmm, where to begin, well the first post of May in addition to about a month from the previous one... meh, whatever. In any event, or happenings or even 'damn that shit's messed up', been doing a bit of thinking (just a bit) and aside from realizing I spend far too much time in various ponderings - seriously it doesn't pay very well at all, it just occurred to me how similar everyone is... and by that I mean everyone. Now previously I would probably have gone into long drawn out word thingy about life, meaning blah blah blah... now however, I think it's time to stop being an ineffectual philosopher and start really working toward something.
It just seems that so much time (and money) is spent by people trying to improve themselves, I guess the danger is when one confuses improvement with self hatred -hmm, kind of like emotional plastic surgery, eh?.... yeah that doesn't sound right. Or probably more accurately substituting an natural emotional need with something provided by marketing, to that effect I think TV should be abolished... except for 10pm Monday (you know). It is so easy to get sucked into the idea of what is considered a normal/acceptable life, and to judge oneself and others by it. So what is normal? heck is there even such a thing... what would be considered a normal person? Personally I think normal would be a bit boring... make that very boring, like English food, but I guess we have to create some imaginary median of society by which we can measure ourselves. For example there are those that may strive to become the antithesis of normalcy (goths and door to door salesmen come to mind), while others will try to do everything to blend in. Actually this reminds me of a quote I once heard about racism (yeah, a bit out of the blue but it's good stuff), well as accurately as I can remember the quote was something like this:

" Racists are not people who cannot accept differences in others, but rather
they are people who hide their own differences and cannot accept others
who don't or are unable to do the same"

Quite true I think, well as much as I hate to end a post that was supposed to about confusion with a curve ball into racism, it's late and I'm weary. So to all you beautiful and unique snowflakes out there, go watch fight club. (if the last bit makes no sense, it means...

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