Thoughts of Guinea pigs…

For an odd reason the funny furry creatures known as Guinea pigs has been on my mind quite a bit lately, I seem to take some comfort in pondering the existence of the odd little mammals. To those who have not had the good fortune to have one as a pet they are probably the most useless animal in creation. They are about the size of a grapefruit, loot a bit like a rodent though with a more vacant expression. There are several different types that come in a variety of colours, I’m not going to take the time to describe them all so an excerpt from the dictionary will have to suffice, Guinea pig: a big fat harmless rat.
Quite appropriate I think, having had three Guinea pigs as pets it is without any reservation that I can remark; they are perhaps the dumbest mammals in existence (four legged ones at least).
However, all said and done I find them to be quite fascinating and there is indeed something comforting about the creatures. Aside from the obvious aesthetic features of being incredibly cute, and that they purr when petted (not quite like a cat but similar), they seem to have some quality that it quite endearing.
Perhaps it is because even though they are basically a food source for natural predators lacking any defences or special abilities except for running… err…waddling away, they retain an innate sense of curiosity. It is amusing to watch them investigate new environments, waddling, bleeping and nibbling around everything in their path.
In a way I admire the little things, which some may find odd... actually to relate a funny story; I had decided to take lessons in Kung-Fu and after the first month they had a group interview to determine if I was mature enough to learn more techniques. One of the questions asked was;
“What is your favourite animal?”
I replied, “Guinea pig.”
There was a moment of silence and the sensei said, “Pick another animal.”
Looking back (with humour) I regret not taking the opportunity to explain my choice. Guinea pigs are creatures that neither have the intelligence nor abilities to do anything other than fearfully run from anything bigger than they, yet are not paralysed by fear. They always retain that inquisitiveness that may cause them to be the midday meal of another animal, but could also lead to the discovery of something new and interesting.
I guess, it is a kind of fearlessness that I admire in them… though it might be the stupidity… oh well, either way they at least look cute. (I’m so tempted to add analogies to the last statement, but I’ve been trying to behave myself lately).
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