Saturday, December 03, 2005

I've been thinking, which is hardly a productive event yet nevertheless usually some partially interesting thoughts are given expression. Lately my belief that 'humanity is neither inherently good or evil - just incredibly stupid', is starting to depress me, as all idiotic behavior does. It's not that I have any real sympathy toward the idiots of the world, more its that cleaning up after idiots is extremely tiring. So for someone as lazy as myself even the thought of someone out there just creating unnecessary work is enough reason break out the alcohol and binge McDonald's. Lest I seem to be judgmental, I count myself amoung the throngs of idiots. It is with certainty that there is someone working a little harder than they should, because of some idiotic thing I have done. There isn't anyone innocent of being idiotic, (which according to some dictionary is: showing a complete lack of thought or common sense) seriously who has the energy to think through every decision in their life? I guess the problem isn't with people making mistakes, its the willingness to repeat ones own idiocy over and over again. Most of us know when we're doing something completely stupid, unfortunately it is actually pretty comfortable being an idiot. To an idiot the world doesn't have to make sense, nothing has to be taken seriously and as long as they get what they want - how and why doesn't really matter. Though I suppose ignorance contributes much to the idiocy of the world, the whole "If only we knew then what we know now" bullshit. Honestly I like being ignorant of a lot of things, especially if knowing about something means I have to deal with it. Society doesn't help matters much either, much of our economy is idiot based. If people bought only what they really needed probably 99% of the companies out there would go bankrupt. This isn't a condemnation of our economy or anything, just a bit of inane rambling on my part. I guess being idiotic is just another part of daily life, though one would be much happier if they were ignorant of that.

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