Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Of the sweet call of insanity, and the safety of ordinary

There are a few things I should mention off the bat, firstly I'm not exactly sure how the term 'off the bat' came to be or how it really makes any real sense but I'm using it so there... secondly, I don't think I can really claim any true moments of insanity, so any argument regarding that point is highly hypothetical, I'll have to confer with a true bat-shit looney - fortunately it's Calgary, I can find one sleeping in the park a few blocks away - or one of the mayoral candidates. Err probably not, even I can handle only so much insanity, anyway getting to the realm of some sort of theme/plot/point/toaster.

I've honestly thought that it would be quite comfortable to be stark raving mad, especially in this pc society we live in. Though what is insanity? The dictionary definition is well, not exactly sure, but one randomly googled quote says 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result'.

So in that regard, who is really insane?
/// yes that is it, an open fucking question, unfortunately have not the wherewithal to completely finish an essay type blog on insanity so please feel free to rough out that last question for yourself... I already know my answer, which lead to a closing quote also from a random google:

"It is much more comfortable to be mad and know it, than to be sane and have ones doubts"

Let's just say I'm feeling very comfortable.

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