Sigh after what seemed like a regular interval of updating the posts kinda lagged there, not that I don't have quite a bit of material to use (in fact maybe too much) but slow to non-existant internet and an involvement in a variety of side projects has kept me from this pleasant past-time. So today I'll show that I haven't bummed around the whole time in Sri Lanka since my last post (though there was a bit of that too;). Below are a few pictures I managed to take but they really didn't have much place in an opinionated piece so they were just sitting on the hard drive gathering electronic dust, anyway for your enjoyment some random photos of things with a brief caption if I have the engery :)
The above picture is the road outside my house, in the community of Rajagiria Udyanaya (as well I am a figure head president of the community association by an odd series of events to relate at a later time).
That's about all I have the patience to upload right now, wish I had taken more pictures recently but sometimes it's good to not draw attention to oneself (I do that enough already ;). Anyway if I get a chance will update later with some photo and comments or if you're really luck a full length blog entry.
Ah, I do have another excuse for not being able to update in the future but that in itself is another post away... oh well. Take care all
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