Thursday, October 21, 2004

Midterms are piling up, but the weather is nice. Uhm, getting back to important matters - there is actually a lot to complain about today. My fist beef is with the "Greatest Canadian" contest/poll run by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), while a lot of the people deserve the honor I'm a little confused by the order. On is that Avril Lavigne is 48 and Rick Mercer is #50. I don't feel like explaining who either of them is at the moment (I might edit later), well simply Lavigne-pop singer, Mercer-Political Satirist. Maybe this goes to what the definition of Greatest Canadian should be... seriously I believe that a great Canadian is someone who enhances Canadian culture (I wonder if that's an oxymoron) or lets say makes us think about our Country. While Avril is popular (actually not so much anymore) she is more a part of the american music industry than a reflection of Canada. Now Rick Mercer is an experct at taking accurate and hilarious jabs at the Countries political leaders and questioning the events in our Country (kind of like Daily show with more satire less shtick), when he started a petition to have Stockwell Day legally change his name to Doris Day.. that was priceless (the petition has the required number of applicants but for some reason Day didn't comply). So from my perspective something is really wrong with that list... the problem is popularity does not equate to greatness.

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