Friday, October 01, 2004

I actually did blog before this but unfortunately (or fortunately as the blog was extremely incoherent) it was obliterated by the marvel of technology. There hasn't been a lot to talk about in Canadian politics that I noticed, though honestly compared the fun the americans are having politics here seems pretty boring. Seriously while I abhor the thought,having a prime minister that would single handedly decide to invade other countries for resources would be a lot to talk about er aboot. I've comes to terms with it though, so Canadian politicians aren't exactly up to the world threatening level of the US but some of them can be just as entertaining. Probably the most entertaining would have been Pierre Trudeau, in all the clips from that era, he seemed to have an aura of self confidence and arrogance that was hard to ignore... but when you think about it Ol' George kind of has the same image. Granted Trudeau could run intellectual circles around Bush, but the same charisma is there.
Hmm, its been known that Trudeau got around quite a bit... hmm, naw, though you never know... eh.

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