Saturday, October 23, 2004

Yawn, kind of tired today. Some idiots went around campus pulling fire alarms so had to evacuate building at 2 am, the fire department was pretty annoyed and we had to wait about an hour before going back to our rooms. If those idiots are caught by any of the residents I'm sure they would get the crap kicked out of them then stuffed down their throats and kicked out again. Also I hear they might be expelled... personally I like the crap kicking better.
There is so much that is just too incredibly stupid in the world that its hard to figure out what pisses me off more. From the list of 'Greatest Canadians' , the French ban on religious symbols, US election (or just US in general), the lemon submarines, kidnappings in Iraq, the British, and latest the flu vaccine shortage (insert scream of horrow).
Honestly this probably makes the least sense to me (though that doesn't say too much), why is this such a big deal? According to news reports, there are people from the States panicing and racing across the border to buy the flu shot from Canadian pharmacies, are people really sitting around fearing the flu and paralyzed with fear that they will be stricken down by this yearly plague if they don't get the shot? Well, maybe for old people who have to worry about lower imune systems but the average person really shouldn't have to worry. Unfortunately the Americans are so used to living in fear that any threat "real or imagined" is blown out of proportion and causes a group stupidity - the same thing that led people to duct tape their hopes and stock up with supplies for the "Y2K".
I think the main factor behind this is a dangerous combination of ignorance and an aversion to questioning assumptions. Ignorance in itself isn't too bad since if you have ask questions one eventually learns more about a situation. The average american is practically dumb as a stump when it comes to seeing what's going around them and when something bad happens they just listen to the loudest idiot on a soapbox and accept their counsel. I'm beginning to wonder if people are really deserving of democracy, honestly the system only works if people are informed and engaged with issues and concerned about more than sports and their own lives. Actually that's a good idea for a thesis... Democracy the way to choose a kingly successor (president)amoung the royalty (upper-class society), and maybe that isn't really a bad thing, actually its worse than a real monarchy since the elected monarch has to pay attetion to the drivel of idiots (public) who don't their ass from their elbow... well I may not be giving the masses enough credit, but honestly they haven't earned any.

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