Thursday, June 09, 2005

Time seems to be flying at an alarmingly fast rate recently, it almost seems like yesterday I was taking an ungodly bus ride to come to Victoria BC. Now almost a year has past and am currently living in summer residence with a few other people from the same floor of my building... actually I really don't have too much worth blogging about personally... politically and internationally there are some incredibly stupid and annoying things going on but I don't have the energy right now to actually get angry over them. Is this a sign of the times? The fact that governments can get away with so much is that people aren't able to summon enough energy to care? It makes sense, people rarely know what they are even voting about, a case in point occured when I was working as a voting clerk at the BC provincial elections. There was a referendum vote about whether or not there should be a reformation of the voting system, we were told before hand what it was about but then also told we could not in any explain it to people to asked what it was. Apparently there wasn't even any advertising about it! Of course most people hadn't a clue about what the heck this thing was about so I'm sure they just guessed and did their ballot, a few people declined the ballot since they didn't know what it was about but to state again that was a minority. Actually I probably should make an effort to find out the results of that referendum... nah, too much effort to take an interest in politics, besides what does it matter anyway?

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