Sunday, June 05, 2005

I would like to say that nothing much is going on, in a sense that is true when looking from one persepective... unfortunately an object seemingly at rest is still under the influence of a number of forces. Bah, enough with the metaphors they give me a headache... I suppose I've recently requestioned the puprose of existance, not that I"m in any way qualified to do so... just have a lot of time on my hands. The further one steps back to look at the "big picture" the more one loses a sense of self.. or perhaps realizes the insignificance of their own existance. Then again why should people be worries about whether or not their lives have any meaning, not being particularly religious I don't prescribe to the "god's will" thing... in fact I'm more of the opinion god really has no plan for us... so while I still believe in god that doesn't mean I think he has a personal stake in who wins this years grammies.
Ranting is fun, you honestly don't have to make much sense as long as it is semi-literate and has a bit of an angry edge to it... moving on. I believe I started this post in order to crystalize my thoughts on existance, to that end this post has failed utterly, sigh, well let's take another look at our life's purpose from a societal view.

Step 1: Be born, learn how to conform and integrate into society, learn skills to
benifit said society

Step 2: Find employment in order to survive in society and buy goods in order to support the economy.

Step 3: Decide on a socially acceptable life partner and procreate as much as financially viable.

Step 4: Procede to die in a manner that causes the least amount of expense and inconvience to society.

This might be a little cynical but when you get right down to it... that's basically the sum of ones expected existance. I've noticed more and more that the idea of our place in society is to be an individual block that is self-sustaining and easily replacable... and in one sense that is logical from a purely mechanical view of our civilization. Whether or not it is the best or 'right' view is not for me to question, rather it is "do I want to be another block in society?". Sure one can live ones life in total fufillment, have a nice job a beautifal wife a couple of kids , throw in a dog and maybe a weekend cottage... but is that the purpose of my existance? Just to perpetuate the society I live in? And society isn't something that you can live outside of and exist very comfortably... I love my modern convieninces, and computer games, and television, and yes even McDonalds... what I can't decide on is how I can live in society without falling into my own little block, or replacable cog. Ah well, this is making my head hurt so maybe I'll just go and watch fight club or something. later.

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