Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Quick blog today... Choice. Decisions, destiny, fate - the diverging of options stemming from a singular action. The results are unknown only possible realities. According to some sciencey theory an infinite number of universes exist wherein the different paths of reality are played out. Unfortunately those dimensions have yet to develop reality TV so there is as yet no way to discover how things would have been different. So probably the only thing people can count on is the expected outcome vs risk... a simple analytical program we all run everyday from judging whether or not to cross the street to ...uhm, fighting the impulse to run naked through the streets yelling 'I love Telus, unions suck, and don't eat at Joey's seafood' (actually sound advice). Hmm, okay getting on with a point... is that... huh, actually haven't a clue, just thought I'd choose to type a few words. No clue at all.

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