Tuesday, September 14, 2004

School life is pretty nice, I can see why some people may want to stay here forever. In the real world there is no way you could get away with drinking till 3 am and then show up for work (also based on personal experience). Moving on, I was watching CNN, which is really looking less and less than a real news channel and more like a day time opinion talk show (with skewed opinions at that) and I kind of realized something. That scrolling text on the bottom of the screen is a truly igenious and evil form of brain washing ( I say evil in the way Dr. Evil is evil). The text would distract me enough so that I couldn't really think about what the reporters were saying and just take at face value, if I ignored the text completely I found real loopholes in their 'logic' and how they altered the facts enough to give a certain impression which might not be 'exactly' the truth.
Now this might not have been done intentionally but that doesn't make it any less wrong. Especially now we have to question everything that is 'told' to us, nothing can ever be taken at face value from the media anymore. With the monopolization of media but corporations and individuals it would be ignorant to believe that their isn't an agenda that they want to either push or hide information from the public. I want to say people should treat the news like commercials but some people still believe everything in advertising is also 'the truth', hopefull we'll all come to our sense in the end, if it isn't too late.

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