Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The years' end is fast approaching -one can tell by the plethora of annoying Christmas 'junk' being displayer everywhere, you can't escape it, no matter where one turns there is some essential gift that your special someone will love that spreads that warm almost about to vomit feeling. The latest is a commercial featuring a disturbing little snowman scene that jiggles and sings ho ho ho, this hallmark gem is left on the porch of some poor unsuspecting old man whose reaction is strangely obscured... anyway I'm sorry but if anyone thinks that is something a sane person would want they should get serious help. Honestly this Christmas thing is sooo out of hand things that have no use except on Christmas are becoming acceptable gifts... basically we are just buying crap that no one would use for the sake of giving - or more precisely buying! There is no meaning in Christmas gifts anymore (though I'm not too sure what meaning they had in the first place). I call for a boycott on buying Christmas gifts, instead opting to just spend time with friends and family, maybe give a meaningful card or hand made gift,(eh last minute through some pine cones and leaves in a bowl). That's it for now, final exams look near and its getting late. yawn. merry chr... awh forget it.

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