Valentines!Well, it's that time of year again, actually debated whether or not to write a post about Valentines day... it would be too easy to get into a soddenly over verbose philosophical rant on a day that seems to have more
commercial meaning that anything else, oops almost started there. Anyway love it or hate it,
February 14
th has become recognizable from every facet of life, mostly from media advertising.
So in light of the inescapable nature of this day among days for
love the post is well underway, with a commitment to convey some thoughts and observations all the while keeping some humor about the whole subject... hopefully. Of course a good way to start is with a few experiences I had working as a clerk at 7-11 a couple of years ago: I've worked the evening shift on Valentines and was always amazed by the number of people coming in at the last minute to try and find cards/candies/roses
etc. though probably the funniest was a guy came in and bought a pack of pens just to sign a valentines card before he got home - I am not making this up.
The geniuses at 7-11 never really thought it through about valentines so we never had any appropriate 'valentine' gifts for sale, so it's pretty amazing how the desperate manage to cobble together some last minute gift consisting of candy bars and personal hygiene products... I mean if you're going to do something like that might as well take the hit for valentines and make it up some other time, I doubt anybody would be satisfied with a 7-11 valentines gift (though we did have some nifty butane lights for the
pyros in your life, they even came in red).
The well prepared gift givers probably
pre-ordered their
thorn less roses and assorted
Belgian chocolates, or if they had some extra money a few diamond sprinkled
jewellry. As nice as those things are I have to agree with a poster on who expounded the virtues of a new symbol of love more
powerful and meaningful than the common rose-
the potato! (now the pic makes sense doesn't it). Of course it would be better if it were a red
(or potatoe) to keep with the whole 'heart theme', actually when you think about it a
potato looks very similar to an actual organic heart compared to the card versions, so it really should be the new symbol of valentines...
meh, I think it would take a pretty enlightened lady to happily accept a raw
potato -
hmm, maybe bake it first... add a little butter, some herbs and voila! a treat to rival any box of chocolates... yeah... seems doubtful.
Symbols aside and obligation aside the main theme of valentines is to share a day with someone close to you, and this is where the lines get split into the lovers and haters of this day. Many feel that it is the perfect day for going all out with that special someone, while others are forced into depression for not having a special someone. What I find truly
bizarre is that both sides of the camp are equally
commercialised! It isn't too hard to get Valentines sucks or
anti-valentine cards as well as other merchandise, well I suppose it is a capitalistic society after all, still it does make one feel that any true meaning is lost in the mad race to buy gifts.
Speaking of the gift giving, I have to say particularly from a guy's perspective Valentine's day truly does suck, mainly since it fall's upon guys to give most of the gift giving, women aren't as obligated to reciprocate in any way (a few may, but let's be honest... they can get away with not giving anything). Now the Japanese have a far superior system in place, on Valentines girls give chocolates to guys they like, then a month later on March 14
th or (
White day) the guys reciprocate - so at least there is some sense of balance.
I guess lastly is the whole "finding your special someone" theme to valentines which if you're single kind of makes it hard to get into any sort of good mood during this time of year. I should point out that I am single and this may affect my views of this day, but while I loathe the way Valentines makes a single guy feel with all the external
pressure surrounding it... truthfully I do like good ideals behind it. Showing the people you care about how you feel, that should be the real spirit of Valentines, one shouldn't be giving chocolates, or expensive gifts... just share what's in your heart.
Meh, a little too mushy even for me, so I'll
conclude with a link to a seemingly accurate observation in male-female relations that will give a few people a chuckle and a few more an "
all too true". So whether or not you have someone to share the day with, just live today with bit more love towards those around you... who knows, it might enable you to find what you're looking for (
meh, or just gorge on sweets, that works too).