'One of the greatest movies ever... '
Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle will always be one of my favourite movies, not for outstanding writing, comedy or plot... mainly it was the first movie I saw where the east indian guy wasn't speaking with an accent as well was just played as a normal/stoner guy who happened to have brown skin.
So when I saw the preview for this, well I was nearly extatic with joy... or just really wanted to see a funny movie for once. Oh and this site is just classic, I'm not sure how they originally came up for the idea of NPH as a character but, wow, it works on so many levels (no I am not high at the moment).
Okay truthfully, the movie is retarded but it's non-thinking entertainment, no hidden subtext or interpetation, no tear jerker moments (I think) and just a lot of random humor from the lower end of the spectrum. What more can you ask for, so I'll going to try see it as soon as I can but in the mean time ... What would NPH do?
So when I saw the preview for this, well I was nearly extatic with joy... or just really wanted to see a funny movie for once. Oh and this site is just classic, I'm not sure how they originally came up for the idea of NPH as a character but, wow, it works on so many levels (no I am not high at the moment).
Okay truthfully, the movie is retarded but it's non-thinking entertainment, no hidden subtext or interpetation, no tear jerker moments (I think) and just a lot of random humor from the lower end of the spectrum. What more can you ask for, so I'll going to try see it as soon as I can but in the mean time ... What would NPH do?