The picture has absolutely nothing to do with the post... look at the pretty kitty.
So where to begin...
It's been odd the last few months, and honesly I wonder how much of this is relevant for this blog. When I orginally started this little tiny piece of realestate on the web, the plan was to give opinionated views on current events and analysis of topics around the world (a bit lofty I admit). As time wore on and actual time spent reading news was purely ... nonexistant, the blog just became a general impressions of what I thought and what my current take on what I see in this life. The tone of the blog itself became more introspective, I would (will) ask questions without real answers and provide answers that really made no sense.
So taking that into account, it's probably to change my perception of how I use this site and what I put on it. It will probably be just a place to write randomly and vent, it has actually been a long time since I truly expressed anything in word, art, paperclip art ect. While I haven't really attempted to make any sense in my previous blogs, there will be a higher instance of randomness and lesser amount of coherent thought in the future blogs. Probably I'm just tired of trying to make myself understood, and really just want to write randomly in the open forum of the internet and maybe catch the interest of an organization with money they need to through at someone... hey the lottery makes about as much sense.
So in closing... SPOON!
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