Saturday, August 14, 2004

Well another night ended. Today was a fun shift working (cue spooky music) Friday the 13th! Overall it wasn't too bad, yet I still get those really irritating drunks and customers that come in at 3 in the morning. I must remember to relax, only 10 more shifts then off to victoria and the stress of studying... (half-hearted yeah!).
I find it kind of disturbing that I haven't really followed politics in a while, actually the only thing happening apparently is the fight between provinces and the feds about health care. Well there was the Helicopter scandel but haven't heard anything about it recently. The only other big Canadian news is that the venerable Hudson's bay company might be taken over by US discount supertore Target. The Hudson's bay company predates the constitution of Canada and was influencial in building it, if bought over by Target it would mean the last of Canada's large department stores since Eatons kicked the bucket (though I still shudder at thought of Eatons "hip" ads... brown brick...)
The election in america seams to be following the natural mudslide campaigning, not sure if its worth following for anything other than entertainment. Though it just seems to be dragging on and on and on... the Canadian Elections were announced after Bush and held back in July.. so it was a relatively painless experience .. except for having Paul Martin as Prime Minister - I try not to think of it as often as possible. Actually when I think PM its automatically Jean Chretien, Martin hasn't done anything to distinguish himself to the office he now carries. Hopefully his minority government collapses and the Rhino party takes over.

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