Saturday, August 21, 2004

Ahhhh, extended weekends are always great... untill you have to go back to work :(
Well, I finally got some stuff done so feel a lot lighter, its amazing how much little things can weigh on oneself without even noticing.
So the Olympics are well underway now and Canada has some medals in swimming aparently... every time the Olympics come around I think any real meaning diminishes beyond existance. This year the big deal is that the event has come 'back to its roots' in Greece, even though the greeks had a difficult time finishing everything, though if a really stiff wind blows I wonder how many buildings will fall over. Really the Olympics were originally supposed for amateur atheletes yet more and more professionals are entering the scene, though I'm happy it enabled Canada to win the Gold medal in Men's hockey a while back.. it really doesn't seem like a real victory.
Whenever money is involved corruption seems to inevitably follow, same thing with politics and business, why should the Olympics be any different? The thing that pisses me off is they try to pretend the Olympics still stand for purity of sport and competition for glory, well actually its just a money festival where atheletes look for endorsements from companies that think plastering their products with 'heroic' gold medal winners get people to buy more. Sadly it actually seems to work, I'm sure there are hardworking amateur atheletes who compete but do they stand a chance against the money put into some of these people who can afford to train 24/7? (Which would be more of a PROffession for them - wouldn't it).

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